Gardens Founded in 2001 - Home in 2002

Echinacea - Photo by Laura Davis

The garden began in 2001 with the help of Norm Erickson, a Northland Hospice volunteer, at the corner of Switzer Canyon Drive and Turquoise. At that time the home had not been completed but a beautiful sign was placed on the corner. Norm continued to work on the beds on the east side of the sidewalk along Switzer Canyon Drive and in front of the home, until 2008. The rest of the gardens were developed by a core of Coconino County Master Gardeners initially led by Laura Davis and since 2007 by Loni Shapiro.

The garden crew is active from April-October and sometimes in November weather permitting. Work happens weekly throughout the garden season on Monday and Thursday mornings from 8:00 am-12:00 pm. It also is scheduled for one Saturday a month from April through October. Cancellations due to weather will be posted by 6:00 am of the workday on this blog. You must attend a spring orientation to the garden and Northland Hospice & Palliative Care in order to work. A summary of the work that has been done is included on the blog. Look for weekly postings on this blog during the garden season.

Volunteering in the Garden

2015 Calendar

April 13, 11:30-1:30 Lunch and orientation for new volunteers at hospice and TB testing for all

April 16, 9:15-10 TB tests read and 10:00 garden orientation. First Thursday workday 9-12

April 20, First Monday workday 9-12

May 2, Saturday workday 9-12

If you are interested in volunteering, please email

Please note: TB testing is required annually for all garden volunteers.

If you have current TB results that were done by a physician or at a hospital, these may be submitted to Northland Hospice.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact the volunteer coordinator Kathy Simmons ( to schedule a time for testing and orientation.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Workdays 8/19 & 8/22

Monday brought our usual small crew. Leslie Stone returned and worked on gathering rocks for a small garden. She cut lettuce for the house and then helped me begin weeding an area behind the trees on the corner that we will seed with bunch grasses. Mary Natali deadheaded, weeded, and filled some bird feeders. Julie Holmes removed some invasive grasses from the Inferno Strip and then transplanted other grasses and yarrow to fill that area.

On Thursday, we had a good crew working in the garden. Betty Marcus deadheaded, Linda Guarino worked on the irrigation and helped several of us weed on the corner in preparation for seeding some grass. The corner crew included myself, Sue Ordway, Whitney Fessler, and Lori Tamblingson. There is still about 1/3 of the bed to do but we will seed at least part of next week while it is still raining. It will be seeded with bunch grasses (Blue Gramma and Sheep Fescue). Rebecca Davis spent her day creating a small rock garden on the north end of the house. Next week it needs to be filled in with soil and compost, and transplants from other parts of the garden. Carol Lease worked on painting a new donated birdbath for Doris Johnson from the Hodge Podge crew.

Doris Johnson's Mini Garden & Birdbath
Joe Harte worked on pruning some trees and removing many of the elms lining the garden. Becky Lewis worked on the roses. She planted 2, and then spent her time working on black spot that recently appeared on our Copper Roses for the 2nd year. Treatment requires removing all the affected leaves, and then treating with a spray  insecticide for the remaining leaves. Next year it is suggested that they be treated with Neem oil just after leafing out in the spring. Becky was on for treats and brought homemade goat cheese for all who were interested.

Work for the week:
Weeding as needed after more rains - focus on Switzer area west of sidewalk and east of trees on corner, and under the aspen trees
Watering as needed
Fill bird feeders and baths
Fill rock garden and transplant some natives to the bed
Harvest seed for transplanting
Stain redwood benches on back porch
Begin thinning any need iris

White valarian, white fall asters and a few purple

Ready to pick:
Some hopi beans, purple beans, squash, strawberries, kale and chard

Corn and Bean
Garden Potluck - dates to be advised in September
Volunteer Event - Sept. 5, 530 pm - Woodlands Hotel
Girls for Good - Oct. 19, 9am-12pm, garden clean-up


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