We took a short break to plant and honor a long time resident (Tess). A Desert Peach was planted near the sheds. Her son and daughter-in-law came by and visited with friends. They spent Friday at a memorial for her at the Peaks. They live in San Diego but will stop by occasionally next year to see how the shrub is doing when they visit their 2nd home in Flagstaff.
On Saturday, the "Girls for Good" arrived shortly after 8am. I didn't count them but there must have been 25 or more. I was thankful that Diana Watt was here to get most of them working in the canyon to remove garbage and pine needles. I took many others and had them washing pots, planting bulbs, working on compost, sweeping and putting away some of the hardscape we forgot on Thursday. Marilynn VanWagoner came and helped supervise some of them planting bulbs and watering. At 11am my crew of 5 from Make a Difference Day arrived. They only had an hour but they took down a swing, planted a few more bulbs, swept, and put away pots, tools and anything that was still outside. All in all it was a very successful day with many hands to get the work done.
We are pretty much done for the season. I am going to the garden next week to finish up some little tasks and water as needed (Mon. & Thurs.). The tools should be cleaned, we have stakes to put in the ground for snow plowers, and that is about it. If anyone wants to join me I will probably not be there until 9am. For the winter, we will need to water weekly indoors again. I will talk to Judith about how often she wants to come and get back with you to see if anyone wants to help. Oh! I forgot, Karen Kent stopped by today, and took several plants home to care for this winter. I spoke with Karen Overton and she will stop by tomorrow and take the Christmas cactus that was in Adams room. Thanks to Judith's care it is blooming in three colors. Spectacular! I cleaned up the coleus today (FG pot) and it still has some life. I thought the freeze had finished it.
Thank you for another great season, and making an extra effort when asked because of our small crews. We will begin planning for next year in January. If there are any bad Thursday and you want to join us, please let me know. As usual, it will be a breakfast meeting.
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust