Olivia WhiteHospice Garden
Usual garden maintenance (bringing out hardscape, weeding, watering, planting (annualsand lost perennials), repairing and adding drip lines, repairing walkways,general garden maintenance, composting, harvesting vegetable for the home). Add a 2nd weekday workday (Mon.& and Thurs. and 1 Saturday a month).
1.Dugup a 100 year old tree from a former residents yard and moved it to the garden
2.Driplines repaired and added to 80% of east side of house, front ½ circle, and newplantings throughout the garden.
3.Allwalkways and pads repaired. The north walkway wasredesigned to accommodate the new shed, newpaver areas were added for Pet Memorials, shed entry, and compost areas.
4.Anew composter was added, chipper used regularly, and a small pathway was addedto the northand south compost area to prevent weeds from getting into the compost. 2additional composters were added atthe end of the season.
5.Produceharvested for the home included: tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, choi, broccoli, kohlrabi, potatoes, onions, leeks, peppers(variety), squash (variety), strawberries, and herbs.
6.Mondayadded as a regular workday and included Saturday workdays from April-Sept.
7.Continuedtree care – pruning, removal of Elm, and protecting from animal damage.
Orient mastergardener program and new volunteer gardeners, and provide education andopportunities for teaching
1.Orientation done for theMaster Gardener class, groups, tours, and individual new volunteers.
2.5Inservices done on workdays (General Orient, Composting, Tree Pruning, RosePruning, Michael Moore Garden) for volunteers.