Thank you to all our regularvolunteer gardeners (master gardeners & hospice supporters) for a verysuccessful garden season. Each year our garden crew grows. This year we had 18regular and 5 seasonal volunteers. Because of that, for a second year we wereable to do a Plant and Garden sale. Additional thanks to those that continue tosupport us throughout the year with their generous donations of materials andtime. Warner’s Landscape and Nursery continued with an 8th year of 10%of proceeds day for Olivia White Hospice as well as discounts for purchases. The Flagstaff Leadership Program held afundraiser for us at 1st Friday Artwalk, and spent a day in thegarden helping us get the season started. The Bountiful Alliance foundation awarded another grant to continue to developa garden to honor Michael Moore (writer and naturalist). Work on the Native Medicinal Garden began in2010 and will continue in 2012. Last ofall Dave & Terri Hill continued their generous support of the gardens bydonating arbors and fencing for a new garden entry. We had our usual group help from the community(AmeriCorps, Northland Prep Academy, and Flagstaff High Honor Society), andindividual donations by many families who utilized services offered in thehome. One family made an unusualdonation. They donated a 100 year old lilac that came all the way from backeast. It was dug up by two of ourgardeners from the former resident’s yard and replanted in front of the home.The family also added a dedication sign and some rock that came from Iowa.
Because of the generous support from the community wewere able to purchase a large shed, some new composters and wheelbarrows inaddition to our plant material. We addedone new garden and revamped an old garden from 2002. In May the new garden wasdedicated to our long time therapy dog Zane. It is backed by our birdhousetrellis which now has a small memorial brick area dedicated to pets. Zane’ssuccessor Murphy was in attendance at the dedication along with manyfriends. Thanks also go to Dana PromSmith who reminded us about the importance of dogs (pets) in all our lives.